Unveiling Economic Vulnerabilities: Examining the Challenges Faced by Low-Income, Unemployed, or Low-Pension Single Women in Finland: A Case Study on Disability Pension Recipients

In the socially progressive landscape of Finland, where welfare policies and gender equality initiatives are celebrated, certain segments of the population, particularly low-income, unemployed, or those relying on low pensions, face intricate economic challenges. To illustrate the gravity of these challenges, let's delve into a specific example by examining disability pension recipients, whose total pension stands at 1,209 euros per month.

The Economic Reality: A Case Study on Disability Pension Recipients

Average Monthly Income:

Let's consider an individual relying on a disability pension in Finland. The provided figure of 1,209 euros per month serves as the total pension. To understand the economic impact, let's break down the average monthly expenses:

  • Basic Living Expenses: Assume a conservative estimate that 70% of the total pension is allocated to cover living expenses, rent, water, electricity.


Example 1: 50% of1,209euros= 604,5 euros 
Example 2: 70% of 1,209 euroa = 846.3euros

Example 2: This leaves approximately 362.7 euros for other essential needs.

Cost of Housing

The housing challenges faced by many. (more information can be found in previous articles).


Additional Expenses

Considering other essential expenses such as transportation, healthcare, medications etc...


Intersectionality of Challenges: A Holistic Approach

This example underscores the intricate balance disability pension recipients must maintain to cover basic needs. It also emphasizes the importance of considering the intersectionality of challenges faced by low-income, unemployed, or low-pension single women.

Policy Implications and Recommendations:

  1. Pension Reforms: Given the evident financial strain on disability pension recipients, advocating for reforms in the pension system to ensure a more adequate and equitable distribution.

  2. Affordable Housing Initiatives: Addressing the housing crisis by implementing policies that increase the availability of affordable housing options for vulnerable populations.

  3. Targeted Social Support: Enhancing social support programs to specifically assist individuals relying on disability pensions, recognizing their unique economic challenges.

  4. Employment Opportunities: Developing initiatives to increase employment opportunities and inclusivity, supporting economic independence for individuals with disabilities.

This case study on disability pension recipients exemplifies the financial challenges faced by vulnerable populations in Finland. By understanding these challenges and advocating for targeted reforms and support, we can work towardsa more economically inclusive and equitable society.

Note: Many do not even have access to this amount if they have received a negative decision regarding their disability pension or rehabilitation support.
